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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jay Cutler's Mansion--For Sale!!!

Yes sir it's happening!

On Thursday, March 12, 2009, Denver Bronco’s quarterback Jay Cutler put his $2 million Denver estate up for sale.

Jay has a tough road ahead selling his property in an economy that is doing so poorly. I wish him the best of luck, because its going to take a lot of work to sell his home, when nowadays most people can't even afford to keep their jobs!!!

Also relocating to a new city is very difficult on family life. Most people don't realize, it is not all glamorous and easy. For example, once you get traded, you have to find a new home using a real estate agent; you have to get settled into a completely new surrounding; and you have to tell your loved ones the about the new move.

Reason to believe his mansion is up for sale is because of the recent controversy surrounding the Bronco’s quarterback. Cutler and Bronco’s head coach Josh McDaniels. The two have been quarrelling since it became public that McDaniels talked to the Patriots about acquiring quarterback Matt Cassel this offseason. Cassel was traded to the Kansas City Chiefs instead.

Jay Cutler said on Sunday March 15, 2009 that he has instructed agent Bus Cook to formally request a trade. The quarterback said he would like to relocate to a new city under a new coach he can “trust”.

Stay tuned for new updates.

Original article at: http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2009/03/13/jay-cutler-puts-house-on-the-market/

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