A Dingman Group Blog

Hundreds (and growing) of MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL and MLS athletes use The Dingman Group to buy, sell and lease homes, transport vehicles and ship house hold goods.

Friday, October 3, 2008

SportsAgentBlog.com Recognizes The Dingman Group as a Valuable and Trusted Resource for Athletes Who are Relocating

Dynasty has cultivated strong bonds with companies that range from providing private jets, to bodyguards, to training facilities.  Another area that Dynasty has forged strong bonds is in athlete relocation.  Athletes are constantly on the move.  One second they have a stable job at X team.  The next day, they find their names on the transaction wire because they were traded or released.  There are a few companies that have stepped in to ease the process of moving.  Dynasty is lucky to be on friendly terms with two of them. 

Original Article: SportsAgentBlog.com

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